Monday, September 24, 2007

Clinton GQ Story

I saw this story today about how GQ was going to run an article this summer about in-fighting inside the campaign of Hillary Clinton. However they were told by the Clinton campaign that if they ran the story, they would lose access to Bill Clinton, who they planned to have on their cover of December's issue. The editor of GQ, Jim Nelson, says that they did decide not to run the article, but he refused to answer any other questions on the issue. I certainly think this is dangerous territory to get into, but it seems to be happening more and more. This article mentions that many Hollywood stars have gone this route as well, and it specifically mentions how Tom Cruise's publicists have required interviewers to sign statements saying they would not write anything derogatory about him. I also know that some sports stars have used this same strategy, threatening to or actually denying access to reporters or news outlets they feel have not treated them correctly. I'm not really sure what can be done about it, because you can't force people to submit to the media, but it certainly seems to be an emerging issue in journalism.

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