Thursday, November 29, 2007

Editing business news

I should put a question mark in the title, because I really don't know how to edit business news. I'm at work, having finished looking at a business story (a different version of the one that's in the link) and a business column. And I'm thinking it's a bad thing that most of the stories' terminology is totally foreign to me. So, my question is: How do you edit a story when you really have no clue about the subject? I wish I knew the answer. Common terms from the linked story include "cash equivalents," "gross margin" and "investment gains." I'm clueless as to what I'm dealing with when I come across those phrases, and I'm kind of wondering if most people who are reading the business page understand them. Typically I skirt along, correcting minor stuff and hoping none of the terminology is off. Thank god this was a wire story. But if I come across something I really just can't decipher, I ask my bosses. Maybe something like a business copy desk should be created, similar to the sports desk. Then again, who has money to do that in this industry, especially when business pages are dwindling anyway.

1 comment:

ljt said...

You raise an excellent point.

One suggestion, although it's not a quick fix, is to look at various reporting texts. Sometimes there are sections or, if you're lucky, chapters on business reporting.

Here's a page of online resources: . Warning. Some of these links are outdated. I know because a couple of them go to the book our dean, Chris Callahan, wrote and that I updated this past summer. The links are way old. I'll get you copies of those pages when I return from St. Louis.

The Society for Business Editors and Writers might have something to help:

Here are three from one of those pages: New York Times glossary of financial terms:

Yahoo glossary of financial terms: – glossary:

And be sure to check the New York Times Cybernavigator site we used toward the beginning of class.

Good luck.